Mgr. Xénia Luky5/23/2024

Our law firm has just reached a significant milestone in the field of credibility and security!

After a thorough review and evaluation, our Law Office SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS s.r.o. She has obtained a security clearance. The NSA issued our law firm with a certificate of industrial security with the level of confidential classification.

This success not only strengthens our position in the area of law, access to confidential documents, but also confirms our commitment to high standards of information protection and confidentiality. This review will allow the law firm SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS to work with documents also in the field of defense industry.

We owe this to our great team of attorneys and specialists who have worked hard to achieve this certification.

"The process of obtaining a background check took almost a year. We had to set rules for working with confidential documents, dig through existing communication processes and create security spaces. It wasn't easy, but we have a background check and we are moving on," notes Jozef Semančín.