Environmental law and waste management

Environmental law, waste management and environmental offences are key practices in our law firm.

We have had the opportunity to provide legal advice in many areas of environmental law. We helped to establish a producer responsibility organization for packaging, obtain authorization and set up relationships with municipalities and waste collecting companies. We regularly provide legal advice in inspections carried out by the Slovak Inspectorate of the Environment on territory of whole Slovakia. Our lawyers also have a lot of experience in defending clients in environmental crimes. Our knowledge in environmental law also convinced the client who decided to use our legal services in various projects of waste management, e.g., in the project of building a modern recycling sorting line designed for the recovery of textile waste or construction of mobile technological equipment for mechanical-biological treatment of mixed municipal waste.

We will advise you on:

  • obtaining environmental authorisations and licenses;
  • inspection undertaken by the Slovak environmental inspection;
  • drafting documentation related to trade with emissions;
  • drafting and negotiating agreements for producer responsibility organisations;
  • drafting a generally binding municipal regulation related to waste disposal;
  • drafting and reviewing contracts for waste collection and processing;
  • drawing up a checklist of obligations and their timeline;
  • analysing environmental risks;
  • preparing and conducting a legal environmental audit;
  • cross border transport of waste and
  • preparation of environmental audit.

Do you need advice? Contact our specialists



On behalf of CEE Capital Management, a. s., we would like to thank our colleagues from Semančín & Partners for the quality and professional legal services we use during our investment process. We appreciate the knowledge of the leading partners in transaction and corporate law, but especially in waste management, financial instruments of EŠIF as well as in selected topics related to state aid.
Ing. Martin Krištofčák, člen predstavenstva CEE Capital Management, a.s.

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