Legal journal: Amendment to the Labour Code Effective from 1st August 2024
Are you 15 years old and planning to earn some extra money during the summer right after finishing primary school? Or are you workin...
We offer comprehensive labour law advice, be it on the side of employers or employees, managers or senior executive staff.
Our legal services are used by an employer doing business in the automotive industry. We provide the employer with comprehensive legal advice in labour law.
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Legal journal: Amendment to the Labour Code Effective from 1st August 2024
Are you 15 years old and planning to earn some extra money during the summer right after finishing primary school? Or are you workin...
Legal Journal: Recreation allowances and child sports allowances made new
From 1 January 2025, an amendment to the Labour Code enters into force, which brings significant changes in the area of recreation a...
Právny žurnál: Ako zamestnávať na sezónne práce?
Nielen počas letného obdobia je zvýšený dopyt po zamestnancoch, ktorých zamestnávatelia potrebujú síce intenzívne, no len sezónne. N...
Zmena príplatkov za prácu v sobotu, nedeľu a v noci od 1. júna 2023
S účinnosťou od 1. júna 2023 dochádza k zmene výpočtu viacerých príplatkov za prácu v špecificky určený čas. Od čoho bude výška príp...