Summer festivals are undoubtedly the most anticipated form of entertainment that summer brings. Many of us prepare for the festival ...
Mgr. Lea Krajčovičová
Junior lawyer
"Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day."
Lea is a trainee lawyer who has been gaining practical experience at the national and international level since studying at a bilingual grammar school. He has completed several successful projects such as EUROSCOLA, the Ambassador School of the European Parliament, participation in complex conferences at the United Nations in Vienna, and cooperation with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Slovakia.
She took advantage of Zagreb by co-leading the Moot Court team in proceedings before the International Criminal Court. After graduating in 2023, Lea decided to become an advocate, where she continues to develop her legal knowledge in all branches of law.
In our law office, Lea provides legal services in Slovak and in the English language, especially with a focus on the contentious agenda in the field of civil, labor, criminal and administrative law.
The decision to cooperate with Semančín & Partners was a result from the changes that our company went through in 2019. The main reason for starting the cooperation was the purchase of the company by the new owner, and after two years of intensive cooperation, I can evaluate this step as very reasonable and professional. Every day, in my work, I encounter topics that literally require the support of experts. let us put our hand on our hearts, we cannot be experts in everything. And this is one o...Ing. Soňa Miklášová, Cavo Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o.
Our bank has been cooperating with Jozef for a long time in the area of preparing comprehensive loan documentation. Personally, I experienced Jozef and his team on several project real estate financing, whether it was a refinancing of existing real estate or a new development. I appreciate the current cooperation with the Semančín & Partners office, I appreciate their professionalism, time flexibility, ability to prepare balanced legal documentation for all parties involved and the personal in...Jozef Futrikanič, Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
The combination of a professional and personal approach, as well as an understanding of the client's needs, represents a guarantee of Jozef's client's expectations.Rastislav Václavík, Tatrabanka, a.s.
We have been working with Semančín & Partners since the beginning of our company, ie. since 2017. I consider our cooperation to be very successful, as we managed, thanks to their professional approach, at the end of 2018, to obtain permission from the NBS to perform activities as a Payment Institution. It was a long run, but we did it together. As part of our "short" cooperation, we make full use of the professionalism of all their experts, mainly in the field of personal data protection, but al...Ing. Ivan Kubaš, CEO, spol. K-PAY, a.s.
I know Jozef from the past when he was drafting loan documents for a large development project. He did a very solid job.JUDr. Ing. Ľubomír Škvaril, Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s.
I have been working with Jozef for more than 8 years and I very much appreciate his professional approach to all issues we have dealt with. His pragmatic take on negotiating some very complex lending terms always has an effective outcome.Michal Staroň, WOOD & Company
On behalf of CEE Capital Management, a. s., we would like to thank our colleagues from Semančín & Partners for the quality and professional legal services we use during our investment process. We appreciate the knowledge of the leading partners in transaction and corporate law, but especially in waste management, financial instruments of EŠIF as well as in selected topics related to state aid.Ing. Martin Krištofčák, člen predstavenstva CEE Capital Management, a.s.
If you need a Security Project, I would certainly recommend Mrs Semančínová as you will find a helpful, kind and meticulous professional in her.Silvia Miklovičová, CFO (Granvia Operation, a.s., operator of the Expressway R1 Pribina)
I greatly value in particular her expertise, ability to draw on her practical experience in personal data protection and her forthcoming approach.Katarína Križanová, právnik, Zoznam, s.r.o.
The Slovak Poultry Union has a very positive view of its co-operation with Mgr. Jozef Semančín, LL.M. and recommends him also to its members and representatives.Ing. Mgr. Daniel Molnár, Únia hydinárov Slovenska
In a personal and sensitive family matter, a person needs the best possible support, and I received this and even more from Semančin & Partners. They were with me throughout the whole process, were available at all times, and had excellent knowledge of how to achieve the best results for me and my family.Ignacio Sbampato, Argentína.
We turned to the Semančín & Partners Law Office with the need for information about the possibilities and adjustments of probation relationships according to our ideas. Mr. Dr. Bezák was able to realize our wish with gentleness and professionally. The cooperation was very pleasant and we are satisfied with the quality of work as well as with its result with the passage of time.Bronia Braxatorová
I approached AK SEMANČIN & PARTNERS with confidence that the state of the lawsuit, which until then was clearly in favour of the other party and seemed hopeless to me, will be reversed. On behalf of the AK, I am represented by Mr. Michal Bezák, who with his responsible and active approach was able to extract "from the minimum to the maximum". The clear turnaround in this litigation is the result of his highly professional, but also human approach. Communication with Mgr. Bezák is at an excellen...Bartolomej Remák
The decision to cooperate with Semančín & Partners was a result from the changes that our company went through in 2019. The main reason for starting the cooperation was the purchase of the company by the new owner, and after two years of intensive cooperation, I can evaluate this step as very reasonable and professional. Every day, in my work, I encounter topics that literally require the support of experts. let us put our hand on our hearts, we cannot be experts in everything. And this is one o...Ing. Soňa Miklášová, Cavo Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o.
Our bank has been cooperating with Jozef for a long time in the area of preparing comprehensive loan documentation. Personally, I experienced Jozef and his team on several project real estate financing, whether it was a refinancing of existing real estate or a new development. I appreciate the current cooperation with the Semančín & Partners office, I appreciate their professionalism, time flexibility, ability to prepare balanced legal documentation for all parties involved and the personal in...Jozef Futrikanič, Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
The combination of a professional and personal approach, as well as an understanding of the client's needs, represents a guarantee of Jozef's client's expectations.Rastislav Václavík, Tatrabanka, a.s.
We have been working with Semančín & Partners since the beginning of our company, ie. since 2017. I consider our cooperation to be very successful, as we managed, thanks to their professional approach, at the end of 2018, to obtain permission from the NBS to perform activities as a Payment Institution. It was a long run, but we did it together. As part of our "short" cooperation, we make full use of the professionalism of all their experts, mainly in the field of personal data protection, but al...Ing. Ivan Kubaš, CEO, spol. K-PAY, a.s.
I know Jozef from the past when he was drafting loan documents for a large development project. He did a very solid job.JUDr. Ing. Ľubomír Škvaril, Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s.
I have been working with Jozef for more than 8 years and I very much appreciate his professional approach to all issues we have dealt with. His pragmatic take on negotiating some very complex lending terms always has an effective outcome.Michal Staroň, WOOD & Company
On behalf of CEE Capital Management, a. s., we would like to thank our colleagues from Semančín & Partners for the quality and professional legal services we use during our investment process. We appreciate the knowledge of the leading partners in transaction and corporate law, but especially in waste management, financial instruments of EŠIF as well as in selected topics related to state aid.Ing. Martin Krištofčák, člen predstavenstva CEE Capital Management, a.s.
If you need a Security Project, I would certainly recommend Mrs Semančínová as you will find a helpful, kind and meticulous professional in her.Silvia Miklovičová, CFO (Granvia Operation, a.s., operator of the Expressway R1 Pribina)
I greatly value in particular her expertise, ability to draw on her practical experience in personal data protection and her forthcoming approach.Katarína Križanová, právnik, Zoznam, s.r.o.
The Slovak Poultry Union has a very positive view of its co-operation with Mgr. Jozef Semančín, LL.M. and recommends him also to its members and representatives.Ing. Mgr. Daniel Molnár, Únia hydinárov Slovenska
In a personal and sensitive family matter, a person needs the best possible support, and I received this and even more from Semančin & Partners. They were with me throughout the whole process, were available at all times, and had excellent knowledge of how to achieve the best results for me and my family.Ignacio Sbampato, Argentína.
We turned to the Semančín & Partners Law Office with the need for information about the possibilities and adjustments of probation relationships according to our ideas. Mr. Dr. Bezák was able to realize our wish with gentleness and professionally. The cooperation was very pleasant and we are satisfied with the quality of work as well as with its result with the passage of time.Bronia Braxatorová
I approached AK SEMANČIN & PARTNERS with confidence that the state of the lawsuit, which until then was clearly in favour of the other party and seemed hopeless to me, will be reversed. On behalf of the AK, I am represented by Mr. Michal Bezák, who with his responsible and active approach was able to extract "from the minimum to the maximum". The clear turnaround in this litigation is the result of his highly professional, but also human approach. Communication with Mgr. Bezák is at an excellen...Bartolomej Remák
The decision to cooperate with Semančín & Partners was a result from the changes that our company went through in 2019. The main reason for starting the cooperation was the purchase of the company by the new owner, and after two years of intensive cooperation, I can evaluate this step as very reasonable and professional. Every day, in my work, I encounter topics that literally require the support of experts. let us put our hand on our hearts, we cannot be experts in everything. And this is one o...Ing. Soňa Miklášová, Cavo Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o.
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