Summer festivals are undoubtedly the most anticipated form of entertainment that summer brings. Many of us prepare for the festival ...
We have experience with all stages of criminal proceedings and elements of crimes that our clients refer to us at the pre-trial or main trial stage. We also offer the requisite advice on questions that concern economic and property crimes. In our review of our clients’ business transactions, we therefore also focus on introducing preventive pro-client measures.
We have defended the client in the continuing serious crime of misappropriation and fraud. We represented a foreign client supplying optical equipment as a victim in criminal proceedings for the return of money from cybercrime; a substantial part of the money paid was returned to the client. We regularly defend our clients regarding the crime of illegal waste management and violations of regulations concerning environmental protection. We represented the client in the pre-trial as well as the judicial phase of criminal proceedings in the matter of the crime of illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs, poisons or precursors, their possession and trafficking. We provide advice to clients on crimes such as theft, extortion, dangerous threats, credit fraud and more.
We will provide you comprehensive legal advice on criminal law, in particular we will:
Summer festivals are undoubtedly the most anticipated form of entertainment that summer brings. Many of us prepare for the festival ...
Právny žurnál: Zaistenie, zadržanie, cela alebo väzba?
V tejto časti Právneho žurnálu Vám priblížme okolnosti, za ktorých je možné obmedziť osobnú slobodu jednotlivca. JUDr. Vladimír Men...
Právny žurnál: Prípustnosť dôkazov v trestnom konaní
Otázka úspechu v akomkoľvek súdnom konaní priamo závisí od kvality a presvedčivosti predložených dôkazov. V trestnom konaní, v ktoro...
WEBINÁR: Trestnoprávna zodpovednosť štatutárnych orgánov
Ponúkame Vám možnosť zúčastniť sa na online webinári, ktorý sme pre Vás v Advokátskej kancelárii SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS pripravili.
Trestnoprávna zodpovednosť štatutárneho orgánu
Pri výkone funkcie štatutárneho orgánu je zrejmá povinnosť konať s odbornou starostlivosťou. Menej je však z pohľadu laickej verejno...